Maija's first year
I can’t believe I am sitting here writing this post, reflecting on your entire FIRST YEAR of life, I still feel like you are two weeks old and still so vividly remember the day you were born. I am feeling all the feels… denial that you are growing up too fast but also excitement to see all that you will do in the life ahead of you and how beautiful of a woman you will grow to be.
I know you won’t remember the details like we do, but you made this year our best yet - even through all the other challenging moments in life we endured, we endured them together and you kept us smiling the whole way through.
1 week old
It’s hard to look back and think of just one or two things that recap your first year because there are far too many good memories. You are still momma’s girl, you love hanging out in your room while I do your laundry, taking impromptu trips to Costco and Target to sample all the things and shopping with mom… you go where I go! You always breathe fast and giggle as we walk downstairs to greet Daddy good morning, he is guaranteed to make you laugh. Stout is your good buddy and you’ve learned to pet him nicely and even throw the ball - we’re still working on learning to NOT share all your food with him ;).
We all snuggle in bed ever morning while we’re waking up - Mom and Dad are so lucky to get your sweet hugs on the daily and you’re so polite, saying hi and waving to new friends. Your favorite words are currently: Hi, Deer, Uh-oh, Momma, and what sounds like “golf”… what?! You are scooting along so fast that if you speed up any more we will be running! You are so close to walking and love taking your strides between Mom and Dad and giggling the whole way. Right now you are really into opening EVERY cabinet, pressing every button and putting the caps back on things… you’re a curious cat, and a funny one - so many expressions! You are one heck of a sleeper and we are BLESSED.
You’ve been lots of places this year: many trips up north, baseball games, the lake, a few breweries, lots of parties and friends houses, so many events around town, the MN State Fair and Steele County Fair, trips with friends to Mercer, Canada, Washburn, Fargo, Duluth and the North Shore. You were there when we sold our first home together, made our move North, when we opened Woods to Water, when your Dad and I both turned 30 … and it was amazing.
You are our spunky, fierce, strong, confident and jaw-dropping beautiful baby, we can’t wait to keep doing life with you - thank you for making us smile every day, we love you to the moon and back!
Also, look at the heck of a party we threw you! Momma had so much fun and might have gotten slightly carried away but Dad generously helped out with the crazy plans, chopping wood and helping make s’mores sticks. Wouldn’t have been an Up North party without an old fashioned MN meat raffle, proceeds went to your college fund! You weren’t overly interested in the cake after all… I made sure you got some a few days later, and as much as I would have loved a smash cake photo… I secretly am not mad that you’re not into the sugar!
1st Birthday
With all our love, X O X O
Mom & Dad